School Handbook:
School handbook information is included in the student agendas.
To access all of the documents in the handbook, please follow this link.
School Procedures
Student Absenteeism (Safe Arrival Program)
To help comply with Ministry Policy and the Safe Arrival Program, please phone the school if your child is going to be absent or late. You may leave a message on the answering machine before or after school hours. (613-527-2195)
Late Students
Students who arrive late must report to the office, and need to be signed in by an adult before proceeding to their class.
Students' Information Forms (Emergency Forms)
Please take the time to fill out this form even if there are no changes. It is imperative that we be able to reach you or your emergency numbers in case of an emergency. Also, please keep us informed of any changes immediately. List names for us to call as an alternative in case you cannot be reached. List any special circumstances on the form: eg. custody information.
All visitors to the school, including Parents/Guardians must report to the office upon entering the school. This is a School Board Policy for the protection of all students. If you have an appointment or business in the school, you must sign in and carry a visitor’s pass.
Medication/EPI Pens/Anaphylaxis
A form must be completed for students required to take medication, or carry epipens. The form requires a doctor's signature as well as the signature of the parent or guardian. A complete anaphylaxis allergy protocol must also be completed and returned to school.
Students Being Picked up During the Day
If you wish your child is to be dismissed early, please send a note to the teacher. If you pick up your child early, please report to the office, sign out your child, and they will meet you at the office. Please make sure we have all necessary child access documents.
Leaving School Property
Students are not permitted to leave the school property during school hours unless picked up by a parent/guardian.
Bicycles are to be walked into the school yard, placed in the bicycle racks and should be locked. Students are responsible for the safety of their own bicycles.Skateboards/rollerblades are not allowed on the playground or on the school bus.
Bus changes are for emergencies only, and must be authorized by the school principal, as indicated in the School Board’s Bus Safety Regulations .
The school staff cannot be held responsible for money or other items of great value.
Cell Phones/Cameras
Students are not allowed to take pictures of students at school. Cell phones must be turned off at all times during the day and kept in book bags.
Student Accident Insurance
A student injured in the gymnasium or playground is NOT covered by the School Board's Insurance. The Board does not provide insurance for students. Parents are asked to purchase insurance individually through a company such as Seaboard Life, and return the forms directly to the company.
Posted September 2017